First Blog !!!
“tis fall and all is energized! SO we are up and running with our soon to be famous BLOG!
We have some fall parties planned, will continue with “Walk In Wednesdays” and may do Saturdays too.
Many are curious about the new location near Logan…on Rt. 1A…here are a few photos with more to follow. LEOPARD seems to be the theme – in fact we have a section devoted to leopard print clothing, lingerie and shoes – it is quite a collection.
WALK IN WEDNESDAYS will begin WED November 2nd. More about that later.
HALLOWEEN PARTY – you know it is the HIGH HOLIDAY for us and you simply must celebrate all things femme…our fabulous
HALLOWEEN PARTY begins at 2pm on Saturday, Oct 29th at the LOGAN / Rt. 1A location. Details to follow – but be assured it will be quite an event with a DJ, several makeup artists, prizes and glitter and gloss. Do make arrangements to come, MISSY!